Monday, October 7, 2013

The Mystery of the Megaflood is a unique region known as the Channeled Scablands of the northwest in United States. Scientist try to figure out what and how these tall canons, weird holes in the ground and big rock bulldozers are created. Ice carved through the solid rock and helped build mountains. After twenty thousand years during the last ice age, glaciers moved more Canada to the Scablands. The water made the rocks look like ripples and this happens overnight. Over the course of history, Glacial Lake Missoula filled with water and build up. It collapsed and the glaciers moved in to fill the gaps and once again it collapse. And this continues hundreds maybe even thousands of times. You can see where the water marks along the walls of the canyons.  Kathleen is a paleoecologist/ paceolimnologist said “they were hit by megafloods again and again.

 Here is a Hyperlink to get more information from The Mystery of the Megaflood. .This documentary really gave me the full experience of what a megaflood and the video taught me a lot that I didn’t know. Im so glad we watched it in class because I would have never known about the fascinating things that happen in the world.

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